Sleep & Cognitive Development
Decoding immature neural activity from multiple brain areas in freely behaving rodent pups to reveal mechanisms at play during developmental sleep.
Norwegian Centre for Molecular Medicine, Oslo, Norway
We combine high density electrophysiology, optogenetics and computational analyses to investigate how sleep contributes to healthy cognitive development. If you are interested in joining us, please check our hiring page – we have several position open! The lab is focused on the following research lines:
Decoding immature neural activity from multiple brain areas in freely behaving rodent pups to reveal mechanisms at play during developmental sleep.
Exploiting recent advance in gene editing, molecular and viral tools to engineer rodent models of developmental sleep deprivation (Chemogenetic, Optogenetic, CRISPR)
Engineering wireless and fully implantable electrophysiological “brain machine interface” to decode and manipulate brain activity in real time in freely-behaving rodents.
Developing analytical pipelines and machine learning algorithms to automatically detect and decode multiunit activity codes and oscillatory events across brain regions.
Revealing sleep and wake neural computations that support learning, updating and consolidation of memory traces, as well as the neural code underlying spatial cognition.
Monitoring the communications between the brain and the adipose tissue during adolescent sleep to better understand how bad sleep habits may lead to the emergence of metabolic disorders
Stay updated with the latest information on funding, research, lab outings, seminars and recruitments in the lab.
Smartsense PhD fellowship on adolescent sleep deprivation models
BrainChip postdoctoral fellowhsip on wireless optogenetics
Welcome to Andreas, who joins as a PhD student at STAMI (National Institute of Occupational Health)
NorPod joint postdoctoral fellowship on sleep and ubiquitin
NCMM joint postdoctoral fellowship on sleep and autophagy
The lab hosted a symposium at 4th Nordic neuroscience meeting in Copenhagen
We had a fun evening playing shuffleboard and arcade games at Tilt
Welcome to Letizia, who joins the lab as a data analyst!
Welcome to Ane and Solveig, who will puruse their master's thesis project in the lab!
We celebrated the end of the year festivities at NCMM and a lab potluck!!!
Congrats to Adrian for securing funding from University of Copenhagen's Support Foundation!
Our lab enjoyed bouldering at Oslo Klatresenter in Skullerud Park
We hosted a 2 weeks PhD course on Molecular Medicine at NCMM
Our research was featured in two national newspapers (VG and Khrono)
Research assistant in our lab with MSc in Neuroscience from UiO
Our new paper led by Florian Dapsance is now out in IEEE Sensors Letters
Our lab participated with posters and a talk at EMBL conference in Helsinki
Congrats to the lab on securing ERC Starting Grant!
We are happy to share some latest advances in Brain Chip project
Welcome Jie to Smartsense - Physics node led by Ørjan Martinsen (co-supervised by Charlotte)
Our lab and the institute enjoyed the roof-top party at Oslo Science Park
Congrats to Adrain for securing Dagmar Marshall Fonden Fellowship
Congrats to Henriette and Sunniva for securing UIO life science internship
Congrats to Ruchi Saigal for the completion of her Master's Degree
Congrats to Laure Gossé for the completion of her Master's Degree
The lab had a relaxing time at our institute retreat in Sweden
Congrats to Mats for securing Forskerlinjen Fellowship
Congrats to the lab on new funding from Andres Jahres Fond
Thanks to Dr. Jérôme Epsztein for inspring us with 2 great talks in Oslo!
Our lab had 3 presentations at Hippocampus Conference in Verona
Welcome Damien to Smartsense - Molmed metabolic node led by N. Briand (co-supervised by Charlotte)
Our lab at the institute christmas party at Oslo Science Park
Welcome to Brijesh, our new Postdoc, who comes from India
Welcome Florian to Smartsense - Physics node led by Ørjan Martinsen (co-supervised by Charlotte)