We are hiring!
Work with us in a diverse and multidisciplinary enviroment of Oslo Science Park.
Our lab is located in the vibrant city of Oslo surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes.
Work with us in a diverse and multidisciplinary enviroment of Oslo Science Park.
Our lab is located in the vibrant city of Oslo surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes.
Timelapse of Oslo by Trojan Haaland
Learn more about the open positions in our lab
We are always welcoming enthusiastic and talented individuals to reach out if they are interested in joining our team. Whether you are a master student, a PhD or a postdoctoral researcher.
We may also have openings for research assistants and engineers. There are several schemes to apply for external and internal fundings.
Please contact Dr. Charlotte Boccara charlotte.boccara@ncmm.uio.no with your spontaneous inquiries for job openings at all levels.
Announcements coming soon.
Please contact Dr. Charlotte Boccara charlotte.boccara@ncmm.uio.no if interested.